Why Psychotherapy

To engage with ourselves through therapy can be a difficult step to take; yet it can also be profoundly rewarding and life affirming.

People often think we talk to communicate how we feel. Actually most of the time we talk to find out how we feel. It’s this process of communication with another person that allows a dialogue with ourselves to happen. When we work together this dialogue can be an exploration into whatever might need attention, or be causing you to feel unfulfilled, stuck or unhappy.

Psychotherapy provides an effective and safe way to work with all sorts of life experiences, emotions and issues. Whether we are overwhelmed in our relationships, or have experienced difficult loss, trauma, or abuse. Whether we suffer with depression, anxiety, or addiction(s). Or have simply have lost contact with who we are, in the stress of our lives.

Psychotherapy, as far as I can tell, is not normally associated with joy. And yet at its heart that’s exactly what it is – a path to joy. A way to heal what needs to be healed, and to come into a deep inner contact that is inherently joyful and clear. Contacting ourselves in this way brings powerful positive and lasting changes in our lives, our relationships, our bodies and minds.